Thursday, July 28, 2011

Fan Pages: Standard vs. Custom? [OPINION]

When I began creating fan pages, I admit to staying away from custom pages. This is mainly because I know too little html and frame code, and the iframe apps that are "code-only" favor the knowledgeable while having no mercy on the rest.

However, if you scour the daily bombardment of social media information like me, you will have no doubt found that creating custom fan pages are becoming easier to create due to some very helpful applications.

There are many click, drag and save type of applications popping up all the time, paid and free. Once upon a time, creating a website had eluded the novice designer, but now it's easy as pie. I can guess the customization of fan pages will follow the same evolution.

How do existing and potential customers view fan pages? If they have a genuine interest in page content, do they even care whether a fan page is customized or not? Does it matter?

What do you think? Drop us a line...